In The Modular-World*, there's a Time & a Place, a Purpose a Price & a Pace. U Compete U Adapt U Evolve, or U get Repriced, Repackaged or Replaced... Context Matters, Evolution is Modular, and the Band Plays On... In this World as in Business, Sports & The Game of Life, Human Nature is a double agent & often your toughest opponent ~ Welcome to The Modular-World* - The Realm of Complexity Science and Modular-Finance™ ~ Animal Spirits at Work ~ Orgel's Rules in Play ~
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Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Modular World explains a "Next Generation" approach in Investment Management and why investors are upgrading to a Modular Framework.
Our Service is designed to expand Your World to create and provide a more productive environment to Succeed in the 21st Century.
Friday, October 24, 2008
There is no better example of the limitations of traditional portfolio management then what most people are seeing happen to their investment portfolios and 401k plans right now. The traditional Approach, MPT ( Modern Portfolio Theory) which was developed in the 50's and has been adopted by the industry for the mass market, offers diversification among asset classes and market segments but offers little to manage market risk or multiple time horizons, mainly because it is backward looking. Therein lies the problem. Take a minute to read: "Passive is not enough - Charlie Needs Cash Flow", written by a very astute advisor, it illustrates this point well. (Written in 2006, this is clearly not Monday morning quarterbacking). The current environment and changing needs of todays investor just bring to light the need for a more forward looking and flexible strategy.
The Modular Approach is simply more adaptive to your personal circumstances, return requirements, time horizon and appetite for risk then the traditional approach. It does not abandon the benefits of diversifcation, it uses MPT as it's foundation, but takes portfolio construction and risk management to another level. It provides us with the ability to adjust your portfolio as market conditions change or warrant. Successful investment management is about managing risk, not avoiding it. This is not a revolution, it's evolution, pure and simple, dictated by the demands of the 21st century. By separating the components of risk and return, we are better able to seek returns and manage risk at the same time, with the goal of compounding positive returns and minimizing the volatility. That is the essence of portfolio management and the advantage of the MODULAR APPROACH.
While new to the MAIN STREET investor, this framework has been used by the leading Ivy League Endowment funds and other professional investors for years. Our approach has been adapted to deliver the benefits to the private investor, without incorporating the use of hedge funds, private equity or other opaque structured products. The Modular approach is beginning to appear on Main Street, but very slowly and from specialized providers. The reason you have not seen this at the retail level and probably won't for quite some time is that it is not geared for the mass market. (See the Main & Wall Story). The Modular approach is more collaborative in nature, is more robust on the front end, requires an open platform and a different mind set, skill set and fee structure then the one most large financial institutions have in place for the individual investor. That's why people come to MAIN & WALL... to upgrade to a Modular Approach and move ahead of the crowd.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
- It allows us to build and manage a portfolio for you with the potential for increased risk-adjusted returns.
- We can go beyond traditional approaches in an effort to take advantage of all investments including those that fall outside of traditional portfolio systems.
- It helps us construct a potentially better portfolio for you that aligns with your goals , risk tolerance and time horizon.
- It provides us with the ability to adjust your portfolio as market conditions change or warrant.
- It gives us a way to evaluate, select and categorize a range of investments beyond traditional models.
- It gives us the framework to keep you above the MENDOZA Line.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
That was Modular Portfolio Reconstruction. For a technical description go to the sidebar.>>
THAT was THEN and THIS is NOW!
Today we use FIVE Boxes:
- OPPORTUNITY/Special Situations
We collaborate with specialty managers to provide ALPHA and use attribution analysis to analyze performance. We provide comprehensive reporting to keep you informed and up to date. We call it MW/AMPM/ (ALPHA MATRIX Portfolio Management). MAIN & WALL provides account management and acts as an overlay manager to coordinate the various components. Our approach combines both passive and active management styles. It incorporates and coordinates multiple strategies, multiple markets and works in multiple time frames to deliver a more customized and dynamic out-come focused solution. Many of these tactics can be applied to the investment universe available in your current 401k or IRA account.
To see how this can work for you,
Jump in the cab and go to the next appointment>>>
Saturday, October 18, 2008
In the MODULAR World, There is a TIME and a PLACE for Everything
We believe the next five years will be especially challenging for investors, as the Global economy contracts, consolidates and evolves. The World is Changing. The length, depth, and result of this transformation, remains to be seen, only time will tell. In the Modular World there's a time and a place for everything. We believe the need to adapt to a more flexible and proactive strategy to succeed in this environment is more than compelling, the times demand it.