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Friday, November 30, 2012
MW/AMFM wrote: @ValaAfshar: Listen if you want to be heard. ? John Wooden
MW/AMFM wrote: @ValaAfshar: The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall. - Vince Lombardi
MW/AMFM wrote: @MainandWall: RT @edge: Wolfram on Mandelbrot. Notable and interesting. The Fractalist -
MW/AMFM wrote: @MainandWall: RT @HuffingtonPost: WATCH: Epic Rick Santelli rant casts "shame" on the wealthy
MW/AMFM wrote: @ValaAfshar: Executives want these must-have job skills in 2013 | @WSJ [social skills] #HR #management
MW/AMFM wrote: @StockTwits: Salesforce Discloses It Will Not Earn a GAAP Profit Anytime Soon via @ToddSullivan $CRM
MW/AMFM wrote: @ValaAfshar: The most interesting people are usually the most interested people. Success follows curiosity.
MW/AMFM wrote: @ValaAfshar: There is nothing quite so useless, as doing with great efficiency, something that should not be done at all. - Peter Drucker
MW/AMFM wrote: @ValaAfshar: 10 tech/market trends to watch as you develop your business strategy | @briansolis #socbiz #cmo
MW/AMFM wrote: @business901: How do you Value Learning?: My original gateway to Lean came from the systems thinking perspectiv...
Thursday, November 29, 2012
MW/AMFM wrote: @TheAtlantic: The science of getting drunk: What does wine actually do to your brain?
MW/AMFM wrote: @ValaAfshar: "having the human capital to extract the insights is also imperative." by @cynthianyc #cio #cmo
MW/AMFM wrote: @tom_peters: @moorehn Sorry. Some things really really bug me. Arrogant snobishness pretty near the top of the list.
MW/AMFM wrote: @zerohedge: Guest Post: When Escape From A Previously Successful Model Is Impossible
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
@ValaAfshar: [my blog today] The Pursuit of Social Business Excellence Is Not About Technology @cmswire #custserv
@TheAtlantic: 'You need 6 weeks to walk the Camino. 2 weeks for the physical body. 2 weeks for the mind. 2 weeks for the spirit.'
@ValaAfshar: Integrated social technologies into CRM will allow companies to measure social promoter score (SPS) in real-time. #custserv
@ValaAfshar: @LollyDaskal thank you for leading the pilgrimage towards leadership that matters. #leadfromwithin
@ValaAfshar: Sometimes we must allow our purpose to find us. #leadfromwithin
@ValaAfshar: The compass within matters most. #leadfromwithin
@ValaAfshar: The compass within matters most. #leadfromwithin
@ValaAfshar: The roads less traveled are the roads that expand. #leadfromwithin
@ValaAfshar: Leadership doesn't stop when you win. -Howard Schultz #HBR90
@ValaAfshar: The value of any journey is the hope of the friendships along the way. #leadfromwithin
@zerohedge: Fitch finally noticed the several thousand bps move in Argentina CDS
Monday, November 26, 2012
@johnsonwhitney: "Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves." - Rilke via @pinterest
@ValaAfshar: Being an entrepreneur is about finding your inner self confidence. @msuster
@ValaAfshar: If you are a risk-taker, then the art is to protect the downside. - @richardbranson
@TheAtlantic: A look inside the huge underground machinery that runs San Francisco's famous cable cars
@johnsonwhitney: ! @StanfordBiz Startups are about putting together an orchestra. It's not about playing a single instrument.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
@Nouriel: 20,000 Sacrificed In Annual Blood Offering To Corporate America,The Onion The fake quote from me is the author's parody
@ValaAfshar: The key to good decision making is not knowledge. It is understanding. -Malcolm Gladwell
@ValaAfshar: In the social era, we must learn to listen loudly, engage kindly, and add value enthusiastically. @fastcompany #therules
@ValaAfshar: Competitive advantage is no longer the apps you use, it's platform you choose to connect them with.
@StockTwits: RT @ConanOBrien: My kids no longer believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy or mortgage backed securities $$ ht @ldrogen $$
@ValaAfshar: Be S.O.C.I.A.L. sincere | open | collaborative | interested | authentic | likeable. @fastcompany #theRules
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